Who would have thought that southeasterly winds would make for good seabirds and no grounded passerine migrants? Totals for sea-watching included 24 Arctic Skuas (see above pale phase carrying disgorged sand eel from Sandwich Tern),1 Great Skua,1 Manx Shearwater and 2 Black terns. An immature Black tern was first identified resting among other terns on the East Hoyle sandbank as the tide pushed in and then roosting briefly north of middle near high tide. An adult and immature Black tern were then seen feeding off the north end.
Twelve Swallows and 4 Swifts drifted through during the morning.
Twelve Swallows and 4 Swifts drifted through during the morning.
Two adult Meditteranean Gulls were on the shore, seen both before and after the tide.