Despite the south east wind direction the morning did not 'feel right' because of the cold and gusty conditions and clear visibility.
A Peregrine was on the rocks south of Middle (left), and a drake Scoter off the west side (below), however passerines were hard to come by with just 3 Willow Warblers on the ground, a few Lesser Redpolls overhead and a Wheatear that did not arrive until after 09.00hrs. Swallows were at about 80, but a bigger proportion of House Martins were counted today at 37 birds but Swifts were again scarce at 2 individuals.

Up to 60 Gannets were on the sea, but Common and Sandwich Terns were only in single figures.

Excitement of the day was the arrival of 6 Mute Swans (3 adults and 3 immature) at the east of the island (left). They stayed for a couple of hours just below the obs garden and then flew off towards Wales. Mute Swan is a scarce bird at Hilbre, and most of them are 'fly by' records. Later the Lifeboat service were on excercises in the same part of the east gutter (below).

Ringed today:- 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Meadow Pipit.
(FD,JE,CJ,SRW,+CD,PSW) [388] photos CJ