
Saturday 19 February 2011

19th February 2011

A strong and cold south easterly today but at least it was marginally brighter to enable some photographs to be obtained. A Peregrine was on the beach on the way over to the island (above).

One of the highest tides of the year gave an opportunity to see some waders roosting the tide - see Grey Plover (above), Dunlin and Ringed Plover (left), and Purple Sandpipers.
On the sea a Velvet Scoter was seen flying with 9 Common Scoters and 8 Wigeon (left) and a single Kittiwake also showed during the sea watch.
A male Blackbird was on the island early in the day but later left before it could be trapped for ringing, although a Rock Pipit was retrapped that was ringed in October 2009 (above), and becomes the first Rock Pipit to be re-caught at Hilbre in a subsequent year.
(PSW) photos PSW

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