
Tuesday 30 March 2021

30th March 2021

 Weather: ENE force 2 later variable    warm and sunny


A lovely day with early spring migrants popping up here and there. Just after dawn many skeins of Pink-footed Geese flew north out of the estuary, typically being very vocal as they went. About 1,800 were estimated during the first hour of daylight. Five Wheatears were there right from the off but with little evidence of a later passage, in fact most of the migration had all but ceased by mid-morning.

The first Sand Martin of the year flew north passed the top paddock, it's unusual to get 2 Swallows before a Sand Martin as we have this year. Two Chiffchaffs were in the gardens, also a couple of Goldcrests, while 3 Woodpigeons, 2 Jackdaws and a few dozen Meadow Pipits passed through. A good variety of finches were logged today: 2 Siskins, 5 Greenfinches, 5 Goldfinches, and 2 Chaffinches calling about the island, and of course the breeding Linnets, in addition to a few migrant Linnets. In the afternoon 3 more White Wagtails landed and fed about the north end rocks.

Sea birds were noted, even on the calm sea, for instance 5 Red-throated Divers and 8 Guillemots, however no sighting today of the male Eider but others present were a Little Egret, 8 Red-breasted Mergansers and 3 and then another 4 Canada Geese.

Only a single Purple Sandpiper seen today on the massive tide, most may have gone or they were hiding elsewhere. One member spent most of the day securing some of the newly installed netting in the SK trap

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