Saturday, 4 January 2025

4th January 2025

 Weather: SE force 3,  increasing force 5

On a quiet winters day the only birds found of note were 7 female type Eider east of middle over the tide, there were still about 300 Brent around the islands and 30 Common Scoter out to sea. Three hundred Grey Plover were on east hoyle bank as the tide made, 4,000 Knot were about, 120 Turnstone rested and Purple Sandpiper had increased to 26 birds. A Little Egret and 2 Grey Herons fed on the shore and the Kestrel made a brief appearance. The usual residents were here; seen today were 4 Wrens, 4 Blackbirds, 4 Robins, a Song Thrush and Rock Pipit. There was fresh evidence that the Fox was here recently even if not seen today.

Thursday, 2 January 2025

2nd January 2025

 Weather: E force 2,   later backing NNW 1

It was quite fresh from the North, and we could make out the Lake District peaks first thing, while the pond had a lot of ice on the surface.

There have only been 2 individual Rock Pipits at Hilbre over the last few weeks, colour ringed CAK (below) and CAD, both ringed here as part of our ringing scheme. We can only speculate as to where the others are at this time (unless we recieve reports from elsewhere) and we await the spring to see if others return. This proves the value of colour ringing individual birds on the island.


A count of small birds around today found 8 Wrens, 3 Robins, a Pied Wagtail, a Meadow Pipit, the Rock Pipit, 5 Blackbirds and a Song Thrush.

A decent number of seabirds were seen, 5 Red-throated Divers, 22 Great Crested Grebes and 1,200 Common Scoter towards the wind turbines. The only wildfowl were 180 Brent, 13 Shelduck and 4 Eiders. Some of the 2,000 Knot roosted the tide on the island with 180 Turnstone and 125 Redshank.


Likewise some of the 29 Ringed Plover also rested on the island.


Purple Sandpipers were here in a pleasing number today, 24 birds.


The Kestrel hunted the island while on the shore just 2 Grey Herons and 1 Little Egret fed. The Weasel was once again seen in the obs garden so still surviving at the moment in the colder weather.

Photos CJW