
Friday 24 June 2011

24th June 2011

Things have been expectedly quiet this week and today was no different. However, Curlews were much in evidence with 128 recorded, signs that return migration is under way? A solitary Whimbrel joined the fold and Oystercatcher numbers have noticeably increased. Four Grey Herons and two Little Egrets fed on the flooding tide in the afternoon and over 120 Gannets were out at sea which looked 'busy' from a distance and this was confirmed when good numbers of terns, gannets, auks and at least four Arctic Skuas and even a fine Puffin were noted from Hoylake lifeboat (whilst it was out on a service) out near the wind farm.

Back on Hilbre another school visit, this time Bebington High School, enjoyed a visit to the Obs as part of their day and saw one of two juvenile Dunnocks (second brood) ringed.

(DB, NDW, SRW) [620-39]


  1. The kids had a great time! One student came running upto me on the Monday morning...'Sir, sir...we done ringing like you!'.


  2. Thanks Peter, they were really enthusiastic and had lots of questions. Shame the best we could do was a juvenile Dunnock, but we were lucky to catch a bird!
