
Saturday 5 October 2013

5th October 2013

Blackpool tower (including scaffolding) as seen from Hilbre through a telescope
Weather NW force 3/4, clear visibilty, Blackpool tower visible
No warblers present, but  the wheatear ringed previously is still on the island, also 2 Rock Pipits and a Grey Wagtail plus 2 albas. The Brent Geese increased to 18 birds, but the scarcest birds of the day were a pair of Tufted Duck. A leucistic Oystercatcher stood out amongst the flock resting by the obs (bottom), Oystercatchers are estimated at 9,500 around the islands at this time.

Brent Geese

(DB,SRW,TGW)                       photo SRW

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