
Friday 13 October 2017

13th October 2017

Weather:  WSW force 3, increasing to 5/6 during the morning, mostly dry with light spots of rain.
The 10 Eiders were still floating off the north end this morning, we haven't had a flock as large and long lasting here for many years.
A Common Snipe sat in the east gutter before flying away calling, a typical late autumn visitor. As expected small migrants were far between on the westerly but 2 Goldcrests made it to the gardens and a Reed Bunting was at the south end briefly, 2 Pied Wagtails also went through this morning and 2 Goldfinches in the afternoon. Waders present included 96 Redshank, 22 Sanderling, 300 Dunlin, a Knot and a Ringed Plover. A Peregrine flying across the island was the only raptor.
As high tide approached a good count of 123 Brent was made as they floated down the east gutter on the incoming tide.
None bird news today featured the sighting of a Common Seal close to the island (presumably the same as yesterday); as regular visitors will know, most of the seals here are Grey Seals.
 Best record today was a Weasel that showed by popping its head up in curiosity from the pile of wood in the obs garden. It has been suspected for some time as glimpses have been seen of a small mammal scurrying through the grass in that area for about a year now.
Yellow fungus like growths have appeared on grass in various locations recently and now in the obs garden, and it has been identified as a slime mould Mucilago crustacea, a species probably never described before at Hilbre.
photos AEH, CJ ,CJW

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