
Sunday 12 May 2024

12th May 2024

 Weather: ESE force 4     slight mist

The weather was similar to yesterday and the migrants also followed a similar pattern. The Swallows only numbered 9, about half of which will be residents here for the summer, 


All the martins however will be passing through the islands, 3 House and 7 Sand Martins.

Four Greenland Wheatears fed on the grassy areas, about the same number as the last few days (female below).

A Whitethroat was singing, probably the same as yesterday, and visitors included a Starling, 2 Redpolls and 4 Goldfinches. Willow Warblers still arrive, 4 today with 2 Chiffchaffs, also 2 Lesser Redpolls and 2 calling Yellow type Wagtails and a single White Wagtail with a deformed or growth affected foot. It will have travelled to reach here so can't be doing too badly.

There were not too many waders showing at the low tide, for example 19 Ringed Plover,  20 Sanderling, 480 Knot, 300 Dunlin, and 4 Whimbrel. A Peregrine visited, there were 5 Shelduck, 5 Eiders and a male Scoter around the island and 4 Little Egrets on the shore. Just 12 Sandwich Terns made the sea bird list. A warm day that brought out another 5 Green-veined White butterflies, and on the moths list were 7 Brown Silver-lines, a Bee moth and a flame carpet.

Ringed: 3 Willow Warblers, 2 Chiffchaffs

Photos:  SRW

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