
Friday 17 May 2024

17th May 2024

 Weather: ENE force 2/3    misty

Unexpected event of the day was the fly-past of a Hooded Crow in an easterly direction. Unfortunately it was right into the sun for the camera, however it's features were clearly discernible. 



There were 3 Whitethroats on the island also 5 Willow Warblers and the long billed Goldcrest of yesterday, which when weighed was marginally heavier today. Other visitors were a Yellow Wagtail, a Starling flying south, 4 Goldfinches and a couple of House Martins with about 40 migrant Swallows. Twelve Gannets and 60 Sandwich Terns were seen and 8 Shelduck and 12 Little Egrets stayed around the islands. Very small numbers of waders noticed today, 50 Dunlin, 25 Knot, 21 Turnstone, 4 Ringed Plover and 2 Bar-tailed Godwits. Insects were interesting with many Normada Bees seen here today, these are insects that are kleptoparasites of other bees especially mining bees, hence they are commonly known as cuckoo bees, there are many hundreds of different species.


More familiar to most people is the Painted Lady migrant butterfly (below), there were 3 today, also 2 Red Admorals and 12 Green-veined Whites.

Both male and a female examples of Azure Damselfly were on display.


Moths recorded included 8 Brown Silver-line, 2 Silver Y, Vine's Rustic, Treble Lines, Common Carpet and Common Swift (below).

Photos; SRW

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