
Sunday 19 May 2024

19th May 2024

Weather:  W force 1, veering NW later in the morning.

 It's been a good month for Puffins at Hilbre and there were 2 more today. They were feeding distantly out to the west of the island. Also on the sea were 2 Gannets, 20 Sandwich Terns, 15 Common Terns, 3 Little Terns and a Guillemot. A varied array of migrants passed through: 5 Jackdaws, 2 Woodpigeons, 2 Goldfinch, a Grey Wagtail, 2 Collared Doves and 2 House Martins. The local Swallows were showing well.

A Whitethroat (the only warbler on the island) was singing at full volume. 

A Whimbrel and a Grey Plover were located and a Ringed Plover and 25 Dunlin were found.

The breeding birds are making the best of the spring: Meadow Pipits, Rock Pipits, Wrens, Blackbirds and Linnets.


There were 7 Eiders today also 4 Little Egrets, a Grey Heron and 5 Mallards (including 4 males)

Insects were taking advantage of the fine weather.



 Photos AEH

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