
Sunday 16 June 2024

16th June 2024

 Weather: W force 4/5

A 5am start to make the early tide. Force 4-5 westerly winds were pushing many of the 150 Gannets of different age groups close to the main island affording good photo opportunities. 







A lone Fulmar, a now uncommon visitor to the island spent an hour prospecting the cliffs along the west side. 



Other seabirds seen were 11 Common Scoter, 54 Sandwich Terns and 2 Kittiwakes. Some of the many Herring Gulls rested on the rocks on the island.

Nine Whimbrel paid a brief visit with a single Curlew and Bar tailed Godwit. Sixteen Shelduck, 2 male Eider, 2 Little Egret and the Kestrel were also here.

  Sadly only 3 Swallows remain after the recent poor weather.

Photos AEH

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