
Thursday 27 June 2024

27th June 2024

 Weather: SW force 6/7

 A strong south westerly blew Manx Shearwaters into Liverpool bay, there were 23, mostly moving west including 7 together seen after the tide. Eight Gannets, 30 Scoter and 10 Sandwich Terns were the supporting cast, although everything on the sea was too distant for photographs. The wind did not deter 14 Red Admiral butterflies from appearing which like the island birds they kept low in the wind. 


Three Turnstones were at the north end and a Bar-tailed Godwit was at the bottom of the gutter early morning.


Forty Three Black-headed Gulls were east of Middle with a Common Gull on the ebb tide. Eight Eiders were here, some in various stages of moult.

A Pied Wagtail was seen carrying food and the 2 Goldfinches are still present. There are now 2 spikes of Pyramidal Orchid in flower, can't remember there being more than one before, at least in modern times.

 Photos AS

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