
Monday 3 June 2024

3rd June 2024

Weather :  WNW force 4  drizzle at first

The early summer period often has a focus on the breeding birds on the island as migrants will be few and far between, and today was no exception.Two House Martins spent the morning prospecting all the upper storey windows but by afternoon they seemed to have decided none were suitable and had left.

One of the Swallow nests contains at least 4 young with the adult birds working hard in the windy conditions to find insects.

 Many fledged young are about the island now, so it is more important than ever to keep dogs on a lead. Noted today were young Linnet, Rock Pipit and Blackbird.


The Whitethroat is still singing around the island and a Kestrel visited briefly. A pair of Pied Wagtails were about the north end.


Six Eider were here, it seems they are likely to be about all summer now. The sea was fairly quiet but a Fulmar drifted west passed the north end along with a few of the 32 Gannet and 18 Sandwich Terns noted today.

Photos AS

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