
Thursday 18 July 2024

18th July 2024

 Weather: SE force 3 veering WNW and then NNE during the day and evening.

The highlight today was watching 3 Bottle nosed Dolphin  from the west side of Obs garden out towards the windfarm, picked up travelling east to west but then finding fish which could be seen jumping from the water with the Dolphin following suit. They were watched for at least 20 mins, eventually turning back east but heading further out to sea. There were 2 Grey Herons today, herons will rest on the islands when there are no visitors.

Seven Little Egrets were in their usual position feeding in the gutters.

Nine Little Tern were amongst the Sandwich Tern on the East Hoyle on the ebb and 7 Common Scoter on the sea. Four Shelduck flew west (separately). A Raven was again feeding on the corpse (see yesterday). The Kestrel didn't turn up until evening. Nine Eiders were counted while some nice records of waders today included 6 Whimbrel, 46 Curlew, 6 Sanderling, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit and 24 Turnstone.

A couple of Swifts flew passed and small birds on the island included a Robin, a Goldfinch, 30 Linnet, 9 Wrens, 3 Blackbirds and a juvenile Pied Wagtails.

The Ragwort is now in full bloom and the Soldier beetles are much at home.

Photos AS

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