
Saturday 27 July 2024

27th July 2024

 Weather:  SE force 3, later SSW with slight drizzle

 A single Willow Warbler was in this morning with little else in the paddocks and gardens except the breeding residents such as the Goldfinches.

 The two Common Sandpipers were still here, presumab;y the same as yesterday.


Good numbers of other waders around the island included 24 Whimbrel, 41 Curlew, 10 Bar-tailed Godwit, 220 Turnstone, 100 Sanderling, 40 Ringed Plover, 800 Dunlin, 60 Knot and 32 Redshank. Twelve Great Crested Grebe rested on the sea, 550 Sandwich and 3 Little Tern stayed here to feed and roost and the Eiders numbered 10 today. On the shore were 4 Little Egrets and 2 Grey Herons. The gulls are also building up in numbers with 800 Black-headed Gulls and 60 Lesser and 15 Great-Black backs. Diligent searching among the gulls found a second calendar year and an adult Mediterranean Gull in summer plumage.

 Two Red Admiral butterflies flew today.

Photos SRW

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