
Tuesday 20 August 2024

20th August 2024

 Weather: SW force 3/4,   W7 in the afternoon

Very little about on land or the sea, although a young fox was disturbed in the SK and vanished into the Blackthorn.

The Oystercatcher roost on Middle was frequently disturbed when a few visitors became stranded on that island over tide, eventually the roost moved to the main island which luckily had no visitors today.



 Turnstone roosted at the North End and numbered 130.

 Thirty seven Redshank picked a more sheltered spot and enjoyed the sun in Niffy Bay.



After tide on the East Hoyle tide edge 73 Grey Plover mostly in summer plumage made a lovely sight, with them were 12 Bar-tailed Godwit. Just 90 Sandwich and 2 Common Tern were logged over the tide, and only 6 Eider were noted today. A Raven was a visitor to the island.

Photos AS

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