
Friday 6 September 2024

6th September 2024

 Weather: NNE force 2   ENE 4 late afternoon,   hazy


Five Shag rested with the Cormorant on the Whaleback early morning but soon left and two Brent Geese took their place. A Peregrine was put up from the west side where it had probably roosted. Seven Wheatears moved through during the day.

....also a small number of House Martins which briefly joined the Swallows feeding over the island.

 Three Chiffchaffs were the sole phylloscopus warblers this morning.

 Some of them were joined by 2 Grey Wagtails that stayed around Niffy bay.


To complete the set 5 Pied and a Flava Wagtail passed over the island. Some extra Robins were here today, also 8 Rock Pipits and 14 Linnets.

As the tide made a Common Sandpiper was heard calling on the east side but could not be located, however a couple of hours later it was again heard and found in Niffy Bay

Others noted were 6 Eiders, 12 Sandwich Terns, 4 Little Egrets, and the Kestrel. The usual waders were present, including 2 Whimbrel, 25 Ringed Plover, and 6,500 Oystercatchers.

 It was a good day for insects with 60 Red Admirals arriving, also 20 Green-veined Whites and 3 Migrant Hawker dragonflies.


The Fox continues to leave evidence of its presence. 

Photos AS, SRW 

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