The immature female Sparrowhawk that has been seen intermittently over the last few days crashed into the mist net in the obs garden at about 08.00hrs but escaped before it could be reached by the running members. It was however not to be 'the one that got away' as 20 minutes later it flew

into the SK heligoland and was duly trapped and ringed. It was received with great satisfaction as it was the first raptor to be ringed for some time.

There was a scatter of Willow Warblers (below, left and right) noted early but they did not stay long, although another pulse arrived at about 11.00hrs. An estimate of 25 altogether would probably be conservative

and although there were no larger warblers the first 3 Goldcrests of the autumn

arrived and one or two were still calling at noon. Five Wheatears were on the main island and like the Willow Warblers they did not stay long on the island to feed. The 4 Swallows that passed through were 4 more than yesterday.
A Snipe was flushed from the east gutter first thing this morning, and the Little Egret seen flying in the same area was the first for some weeks despite August being a good month for this species on Hilbre.
Two distant Arctic Skuas were seen on the sea with 5 Gannets.

Butterflies included 3 Painted Ladies, a Speckled Wood and a Common Blue, also a Ruby Tiger moth (right) was noted in the paddock.
All in all a good day, it is surprising what a touch of east in the wind will do !
Ringed :- 14 Willow Warblers, 1 Sparrowhawk
(DB,CJ) [476] photos CJ