Sunday 20 January 2013

19th January and previous days

Signs of some cold weather movement today with 8 Song Thrushes, 5 Blackbirds and 6 Wrens on the island, 2 new Song Thrushes were ringed and 2 others retrapped with 2 Blackbirds. Five Golden Plovers were by Middle island and a male and female Wigeon were floating off the north end first thing (above right). A Redwing and 2 Skylarks went through and a Rock Pipits was feeding by the centre of the main island while a male Kestrel hovered over the island seeking voles (above). Five Common Seals were again in a separate haul out on the wset hoyle bank. Ringed 2 Song Thrushes (below).
(DB,JE+BG)                photos  JE

17th January :-  18 Scaup, 6 Bar-tailed Godwit, a female Peregrine.
16th January :- 120 Grey Plover flew north, 1 Lapwing, 1 Little Egret.
15th January :- 240 Grey Plover, 4,000 Dunlin and 2,000 knot on the flood tide, 220 Curlew, 450 Sanderling, 110 Redshank, 3 Little Egrets, 11 Linnets.

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