
Monday 23 October 2017

23rd October 2017

Weather: SE force 3

A good morning on Hilbre today after the gales at the weekend. The Eiders were at the north end with a few Brent Geese and a couple of Oystercatchers. 
There was a steady migration all morning with Meadow Pipits moving through all the time, also a Reed Bunting. There were Blackbirds (3), Redwing (2) and a Goldcrest on the island at first light but only a first year, female Blackbird was caught for ringing. In the picture you can see the moult limit in the greater coverts that helped with the ageing. 
A Chaffinch turned up early on and stayed for the morning, Rock Pipits were also about with 2 first winter Pied Wagtails that were on the ground and very confiding.
A 100 more Brents were counted leaving the island.
Ringed: 1 Blackbird                       [ 613-35 ]
photos  JE

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