Thursday 13 July 2023

13th July 2023

 Weather: WSW force 3, later WNW 2

 Syrprise of the morning was a Whitethroat that made its way into the SK trap, but with no ringers present at that stage it soon found its way out again and was not seen subsequently.

The 8 Meadow Pipit recorded today included 3 juvenile birds, one of which was calling loudly for it's food and ignored the parent birds attempt to entice it away from the viewer.


Many birds are now on second broods and the island now has juvenile birds everywhere, seen today were Meadow and Rock Pipit, Wren, Linnet, Pied Wagtail and Blackbird.


 The Golfinch are still being myserious.

 In the early afternoon a group from the friends of Hilbre were given a talk and presentation from our ringer now present which seemed to go down well, many being impressed with juvenile Linnets that were ringed.

The sound of summer on Hilbre was provided by the expected Sandwich Terns, one was particularly interested in our observer and encouraged them very loudly to avoid its young which was sat on the beach nearby. Other sightings today included 5 Little Egrets, a Great Crested Grebe, 31 Common Scoter and the Kestrel..Two adult Short-tailed field Voles were seen, also a very tiny young one which sat in the middle of a path as they often do !  A very large frog was found in the SK paddock.

Photos JE, AS 

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