Thursday 27 June 2024

27th June 2024

 Weather: SW force 6/7

 A strong south westerly blew Manx Shearwaters into Liverpool bay, there were 23, mostly moving west including 7 together seen after the tide. Eight Gannets, 30 Scoter and 10 Sandwich Terns were the supporting cast, although everything on the sea was too distant for photographs. The wind did not deter 14 Red Admiral butterflies from appearing which like the island birds they kept low in the wind. 


Three Turnstones were at the north end and a Bar-tailed Godwit was at the bottom of the gutter early morning.


Forty Three Black-headed Gulls were east of Middle with a Common Gull on the ebb tide. Eight Eiders were here, some in various stages of moult.

A Pied Wagtail was seen carrying food and the 2 Goldfinches are still present. There are now 2 spikes of Pyramidal Orchid in flower, can't remember there being more than one before, at least in modern times.

 Photos AS

Tuesday 25 June 2024

25th June 2024


 Weather: N force 2, backing NW3 later

Two Goldfinch are again present and today collecting nest material.

A Collared Dove passed through heading south but then returned and stayed a while.

  The 2 Shelduck were about early morning but departed later.


A total of 9 Little Egrets graced the gutter.

 Abouit 20 Linnets are still seen around the island.

A single Gannet and 5 Sandwich Terns were on the sea.

Photos AS 

Monday 24 June 2024

24th June 2024

 Weather: ESE force 2/3,  NW 3 with heat haze in the afternoon

The only 'visitors' to the island today were a couple of Goldfinch which stayed about all day and a juvenile Starling which only stayed briefly.

Three Little Egret fed off the east side of the island,

 and a Grey Heron was less conspicuous at the North End.

 There were 8 Eider on the whaleback, with the males in various stages of eclipse.

Two Shelduck were about the island and 7 flew into the estuary. A group of 5 Great Crested Grebes were together off the east side, while 8 Sandwich Terns were seen and 80 Knot flew east. Two Emperor Dragonflies flew about the pond, the female ovipositing and the male on patrol.

 Photos AS

Friday 21 June 2024

21st June 2024

 Weather: SE force 2, SW 4 in the afternoon

 Two broods of Wren have fledged and a total of 12 were noted today.


Two Swift plus singles of Starling and Goldfinch flying south down the island were the 'migrants' of the day. Two Gannets and 8 Sandwich Terns were the sea birds on the log. Roosting Turnstone numbered 14 and 4 Dunlin were with them.

 Just a single Shelduck was noted,

 But there were 7 Eider today.

Eight Little Egret fed in the gutter on the ebb tide but only 1 Grey Heron was present. A Pyramidal Orchid is just coming into bloom.

Some areas of the delicate Sheep's-bit have been lost to encroaching bracken over the last few years but a few patches still persist.

 Photos AS

Thursday 20 June 2024

20th June 2024

 Weather: SE force 2/3  warm sunshine

Three juvenile birds were ringed today, first a Blackbird that is from one of the Hilbre broods, while the Blackcap was so young it could not be sexed but of course defineately hatched elsewhere.

 Another juvenile was a Chiffchaff

A highlight was the finding of 7 Lapwing, a scarce bird at Hilbre especially at ths time of year. The pick of the other waders were 11 Turnstone still lingering around the island.

 A Gannet and 33 Sandwich Terns were on the sea. Just 2 Eider showed today. A movement of 6 Swift outnumbered the Swallows seen today. Two Grey Herons and 3 Little Egrets inhabited the gutters.

 Photos JE

Wednesday 19 June 2024

19th June 2024

 Weather: SE force 4

The surprise this morning was an adult Willow Warbler, which could be classed as a spring or an autumn record, either way it was caught and ringed. It could possibly be a failed breeder.

Also pictured amongst the bracken was a female Emperor Dragonfly.

A quick list of some other birds logged is as follows: 6 Shelduck, 7 Eider, 6 Little Egret, 480 Oystercatcher, 2 Redshank, 47 Lesser Black-back Gulls, 22 Sandwich Terns, 8 Swallow, 12 Rock Pipits.

Photos SRW