
Friday 24 May 2024

24th May 2024

 Weather: N force 1 /3   

 After the persistent rain in the last 2 days and more, a presence was once again possible in the late afternoon to check out the island wildlife.

A very damp looking female Wheatear was here, but it did not pose easily for photos this evening. A Pied Wagtail was singing at the north end. Other findings in the short time left of the day included 5 Eider and the Chiffchaff that was ringed here on Tuesday, it is not surprising it did not leave considering the recent weather. A Whimbrel, a Curlew, a Grey Heron, 4 Shelduck and 9 Little Egrets were around the shore with 3 Turnstones. As many as 2,000 Herring Gulls were scattered across the west and east hoyle and north shore and 2 Common and 18 Sandwich Terns were among the Terns noted.  RNLI Hoylake hovercraft was called out for the night tide (this photo taken at 1045pm) following reports of an individual walking out as the tide flooded.  All fine.  It is great to have these volunteers looking out for anyone who might be in trouble around the estuary.

Photo SRW

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