
Saturday 25 May 2024

25th May 2024

 Weather: ESE force 3      slight mist

A Spotted Flycatcher was found in the east Telegraph house garden, a typical date for Spotted Flycatchers to appear, although this year we have had 2 on 8th of the month and another on the 15th.

 It later relocated to Niffy bay out of the wind.

 The early morning was dominated by a passage of House Martins, about 26 during the day,

Also a steady movement of Swifts, 39 today,

There was the more usual Swallow arrival of more than 3 dozen migrants plus 2 Sand Martins. Two Willow Warblers and a Chiffchaff inhabited the gardens and a Whitethroat emerged to give a hearty song when the sun came through.

A Grey and a White Wagtail were seen, as was a Goldfinch and several Lesser Redpolls called early in the morning. A Grey Heron and 9 Little Egrets fed in the gutter.


 More waders were evident today, the best being a Greenshank that was heard calling distantly also 5 Whimbrel nearer the island and 21 Sanderling, 90 Ringed Plover, 75 Dunlin and 25 Turnstone, many in bright summer plumage.

 Duck included 3 Mallard on the pond, a Red-breasted Merganser and the regular 5 Eider.

 Four Shelduck flew through in addition to two on the shore.


Despite the southerly element to the wind 124 Gannet were feeding and 45 Sandwich Tern were on the sea but only 7 Common Tern. The sunny spells brought out 4 Painted Ladies, 4 Red Admirals and 2 Green-veined Whites. Most numerous of the moths again were the Brown Silver-lines (12), with others being 2 Brimstones, 7 Grey Pug, 2 Common Swift, 2 Netted Pug, a Mottled Pug and a Bright-line Brown-eye. 

Ringed: 3 Linnet, 1 Willow Warbler

Photos: AEH, SRW

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