
Thursday 20 June 2024

20th June 2024

 Weather: SE force 2/3  warm sunshine

Three juvenile birds were ringed today, first a Blackbird that is from one of the Hilbre broods, while the Blackcap was so young it could not be sexed but of course defineately hatched elsewhere.

 Another juvenile was a Chiffchaff

A highlight was the finding of 7 Lapwing, a scarce bird at Hilbre especially at ths time of year. The pick of the other waders were 11 Turnstone still lingering around the island.

 A Gannet and 33 Sandwich Terns were on the sea. Just 2 Eider showed today. A movement of 6 Swift outnumbered the Swallows seen today. Two Grey Herons and 3 Little Egrets inhabited the gutters.

 Photos JE

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