
Friday 21 June 2024

21st June 2024

 Weather: SE force 2, SW 4 in the afternoon

 Two broods of Wren have fledged and a total of 12 were noted today.


Two Swift plus singles of Starling and Goldfinch flying south down the island were the 'migrants' of the day. Two Gannets and 8 Sandwich Terns were the sea birds on the log. Roosting Turnstone numbered 14 and 4 Dunlin were with them.

 Just a single Shelduck was noted,

 But there were 7 Eider today.

Eight Little Egret fed in the gutter on the ebb tide but only 1 Grey Heron was present. A Pyramidal Orchid is just coming into bloom.

Some areas of the delicate Sheep's-bit have been lost to encroaching bracken over the last few years but a few patches still persist.

 Photos AS

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