
Monday 24 June 2024

24th June 2024

 Weather: ESE force 2/3,  NW 3 with heat haze in the afternoon

The only 'visitors' to the island today were a couple of Goldfinch which stayed about all day and a juvenile Starling which only stayed briefly.

Three Little Egret fed off the east side of the island,

 and a Grey Heron was less conspicuous at the North End.

 There were 8 Eider on the whaleback, with the males in various stages of eclipse.

Two Shelduck were about the island and 7 flew into the estuary. A group of 5 Great Crested Grebes were together off the east side, while 8 Sandwich Terns were seen and 80 Knot flew east. Two Emperor Dragonflies flew about the pond, the female ovipositing and the male on patrol.

 Photos AS

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