Monday 15 July 2024

15th July 2024

 Weather: SE force 2

Early morning a flock of 8 Little Egret flew east passed the North End and 3 more fed in the gutter, 3 Grey Heron were also about the islands.

 After the tide 43 Curlew fed on the East Hoyle, a single Whimbrel was seen and 18 Turnstone roosted on the west side. Three Gannets were noted while numerous groups of Sandwich Tern settled on the East Hoyle and along with those flying around the islands todays total was 450.


On the island a Willow Warbler was by the Centuary Gate and a Robin was only detected in the Blackthorn by its quiet sub song. Many birds are still feeding young, this Meadow Pipit seems to have the body of a moth in its bill.

Other young are now finding their own food, like this Pied Wagtail.

 And this juvenile Black-headed Gull.

The juvenile Wheatear was still here and passing by today were 14 Swift, also 5 Canada Geese flying west.

 Photos AS

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