
Sunday 4 August 2024

4th August 2024


No Willow Warblers today but fine compensation was in the form of a male Whitethroat in the SK paddock and a Wheatear on the west side.


A flock of 5,000 Knot flew from the west towards Hoylake early morning and 800 Dunlin roosted around the islands. Seven Whimbrel, 4 Bar-tailed Godwit, 3 Ringed Plover and 26 Turnstone were also recorded. Sandwich Tern on the East Hoyle roost numbered 180 with 132 Little Tern also with them feeding around the North End enabling photos.


Eiders numbered 9, a single Gannet was seen and there were 3 Little Egrets and 2 Grey Herons on the shore.

 Photos AS

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