
Monday 2 September 2024

2nd September 2024

Weather: E force 2/3,  W 3 in the afternoon, mist still towards Wales.

A very misty morning made finding birds difficult but a Greenshank was heard calling to the east of the island and a flock of 9 Whimbrel flew out of the mist and passed the North End.

 Five Little Egret were present and 2 Grey Heron fished on the western rocks

Only 2 juvenile Shag joined the Cormorants on the Whaleback at first today, giving good opportunity to compare these two related birds.

Ahead of approaching rain 13 House Martin joined the 8 Swallows briefly over the island. After the lengthy shower 3 juvenile alba Wagtail were found at the North End....

 ...... along with 4 Wheatear, one of which later spent time in the obs garden.


Also in the garden at least 3 of the 4 Blackbird noted were feeding on the Whitebeam berries.

After tide the mist cleared and  revealed 70 Grey Plover flying south over the East Hoyle whilst below them on the sand were125 Curlew, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 70 Sandwich Tern and 6 Sanderling. In the Gutter was a juvenile Great-crested Grebe. Two Frogs and 3 Red Admirals were noted today and there was another good catch in the moth trap last night with Underwings and Rustics dominating.

Photo AS

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