
Tuesday 3 September 2024

3rd September 2024

 Weather: NW force 3 

With the wind back in the west there was not much expectation this morning, but a Willow Warbler was present and a Whitethroat which was in the SK paddock was ringed.


Two Wheatears were still here and a Grey Wagtail was noted. Four Shags are still around the island with 8 Eiders, 50 Common Scoter and 10 Sandwich Tern, while on the shore fed 12 Little Egrets and 4 Grey Herons. A Peregrine was the only raptor today. No Whimbrel were among the waders but there were 60 Curlew, 55 Turnstone, 270 Dunlin and 32 Ringed Plover. Some island breeders still about were 21 Linnets, 10 Meadow Pipits, 5 Rock Pipits, 4 Wrens and 2 Blackbirds. Bumblebees added beauty to the early autumn.

 Late news:- In the early evening an Arctic Skua was seen to fly up the west side of the island and off to the west from the north end.

Photos CJW

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