Wednesday 5 June 2024

5th June 2024

 Weather :  WNW force 4,   W  later

Only a single Sandwich Tern was noted today, but a prompt message relay ensured that the dark phase Arctic Skua seen at Meols was picked up heading west passed Hilbre, some of the 18 Gannets recorded also headed west close in to the north end.


The breeding birds were keeping low in the strong winds with only 1 Swallow seen briefly and the Swallow nestlings photographed on Monday had all perished, most likely due to no insects flying for the adults to feed them. The Whitethroat still sings on the island. Other entries in the log were: 2 Shelduck,

 23 Ringed Plover,

8 Turnstone,

a Kestrel,

Photos : AS

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