Sunday 26 November 2023

26th November 2023

 Weather: ESE force 3

Today there were again about 500 Brent Geese around the islands, when the tides are not too big and relatively calm they can feed at the bottom of the cliffs.

 Two and a half thousand Common Scoter were out by the windfarms. Seven Wigeon sat on the water east of Middle, 5 female type and a male Eider only appeared in the gutter on the ebb.

 Over towards the marsh 140 Shelduck fed as the tide ebbed  and 350 Curlew still roosted. Eight thousand Knot along with 2,000 Dunlin were on the sand between the islands and the marsh and 65 Grey Plover in the area of the gutter.

 Purple Sandpiper roosting on the west side of the island numbered 15, the highest count so far this winter.

Two Canada Geese flew east going over Middle Eye and a single confiding Starling was found feeding on the muddy path, it's easy to forget how stunning these birds are.

 Photos AS

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