Weather: E force 1/2 slowly veering SW 1/2 rain showers early then sunny and warm.
A cool and showery start gave way after a couple of hours to a fine and sunny day.
A flock of 21 Pink-footed Geese lifted off the sand off the West Kirby shore and flew north, later a single goose flew across the island. There was an arrival of about 10 Goldcrests this morning, the best of the spring thus far although few other migrants could not be found in the paddocks and gardens. Surprisingly absent considering the wind direction were Wheatears and Chiffchaffs (just one was heard), we had to make do with a slow passage of Meadow Pipits, a couple of Goldfinches, 2 Skylarks (one on Middle), 2 White Wagtails, a Siskin and 2 Reed Buntings which dropped into the old obs garden.

A lot of Wrens seem to be about this morning, undoubtably several of which were new arrivals, also a few Robins. Bird of the day was a Common Buzzard soaring over the east hoyle towards Red Rocks early afternoon. Common Buzzard is still very scarce bird at Hilbre, for instance Marsh Harrier is a much more usual find. Fifteen Red-breasted Mergansers fished around the west hoyle at low tide but no Goosanders again today, but the 6 regular Eiders came in on the afternoon tide. Of the waders 3,000 Dunlin fed while spread all along the east gutter as the tide flooded, calling among themselves as they often do at this time before setting off north. At least 7 Purple Sandpiper and 70 Turnstone are still here.
Only a single Grey Plover was seen at the tide.
Local to the island were 94 Common Scoter (4 close), a pair of Mallard, 2 Little Egret, 2 Great Crested Grebe and 5 Shelduck on an calm and quiet sea, while 261 Brent were counted.
Ringed : 7 Goldcrests, 3 Linnets, 2 Wrens.
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