Thursday 16 November 2023

16th November 2023

 Weather: E force 1   a calm day after fresh winds yesterday.

With a light easterly wind in the morning there were a few extra passerines on the island but sadly nothing exceptional. Three Siskin flew over, 4 Linnet bathed in the puddles and a Chiffchaff called around the island all day.

 A Dunnock turned up in the Obs garden then later was by Telegraph House.


Two Wigeon were amongst the 370 Brent recorded west of Middle as the tide came in.

The flat calm sea allowed a good count of at least 1800 Common Scoter out by the windfarm, but a pair were in Niffy Bay.

As the tide ebbed there were good numbers of waders between the islands and shore including over 50 Bar-tailed Godwit. Little Egret numbered 8 and 5 Grey Heron fed about the islands.

After just a single a couple of days ago Eider were back to full strength with 7 birds in addition to the adult male. Late afternoon Pink-footed Geese could be heard calling and a flock of 40 were spotted heading north east in the mouth of the estuary.


Apart from the Bar-tailed Godwits, especially notable were 250 Grey Plover, not to mention large numbers of Oystercatcher (6,500), Knot (7,000) and Dunlin (3,500). Just 8 Purple Sandpipers were found roosting. Resident species may have included some visitors as 13 Wrens and 7 Blackbirds were seen.

 Photos : AS

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