Saturday 20 April 2024

20th April 2024

 Weather: SSE force 1   NNE 1 by noon

Another massive departure for the Pink-footed Geese with a following wind. An estimate of 6,000 birds this morning in many flocks during the first 3 hours after dawn.


Right from the start about 100 Gannets were diving close by the island , and sitting on the sea when not feeding, they were still there at noon.


  Rivaling the Gannets a few Common and 150 Sandwich Terns fed at the north end.


 Six Wheatears favoured the north end of the island, one being the Greenland race.



Warblers on the ground included 3 Blackcaps (all female), 8 Willow Warblers and 6 Chiffchaffs.

Hirundines made a very slow start but eventually small numbers of Sand Martins (13) and Swallows (18) came through. Three Woodpigeons made their predictable appearance and 2 Pied and 3 White Wagtails called while passing. Vocal calls also revealed 10 Siskin, 4 Goldfinches and 3 Lesser Redpoll over the island. Wader highlight was a flight of Whimbrel flying south passed the east side island.

 Redshank, Dunlin and Turnstone gathered at the high tide.


In the afternoon 40 Redshank arrived and dropped in to the island calling. Eighty Eight Brent were seen, possibly all that are left, but some may be passing through from elsewhere. This theory gained traction as there were 2 dark-bellied birds today, only 1 has been here for the last week or so.

Only a single Red-throated Diver this morning but Guillemots increased in sightings with 24 today, there were 5 Great Crested Grebes. Eiders increased to 9 this morning, 3 adult male, 3 immature male and 3 females.

 Two Harbour Porpoise swan north east of the island and a little later another swam west closely passed the north end. Photos of porpoise are always difficult due to their unpredictable surfacing but our photographer was quick off the mark.



 Wrens seemed to be singing from all corners of the island.

Ringed: 5 Willow Warblers, 4 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps, 1 Linnet. 

Photos AEH, CJW

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