Saturday 11 May 2024

11th May 2024

 Weather: ESE force 4   slight mist,  SSE 3 in the afternoon.

 Another beautiful day, this time with a fresh breeze and there were just 2 Willow Warblers in the paddocks first thing. A Whitethroat was singing in the old obs later and a Skylark also singing at the south end. Three Greenland Wheatears, a Grey Wagtail, and a Goldfinch were logged and a Redpoll was ringed.

Several Swallows plus 5 Sand Martins and 3 House Martins completed the small migrants. Three Woodpigeons were noted, 2 seem to be nest building. Highlights of the day were in the early afternoon with a Marsh Harrier in off the sea and flying distantly down the estuary on the west side, and then a Short-eared Owl was flushed from the spouith west side of the island and flew east towards Red Rocks.


Quite a few butterflies today, 8 Green-veined Whites and a Red Admiral. The Fox left fresh evidence of it's presence. A summary of the waders included 420 Dunlin, 38 Ringed Plover, 79 Turnstone, 53 Sanderling
and 19 Whimbrel

Twenty two Gannets were logged, also 2 Common Terns and a Little Tern, a first for the year at Hilbre. A single Common Scoter was about the island with the late staying Brent. There were 5 Eiders, 6 Little Egret and 2 Grey Heron. Blackbirds are busy now feeding their young. 

The Marbled Coronet although being one of the regular moths found in the trap was without doubt one of the best looking insects this morning.


 In the evening a Common Sandpiper was found in the Niffy bay area. 


 Ringed: 2 Willow Warblers, 1 Whitethroat, 1 Lesser Redpoll 

 Photos : CJW, SRW

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