Wednesday 15 May 2024

15th May 2024

 Weather: E force 3/4
Two of the most sought after passerines in spring were ringed this morning, first of all a Spotted Flycatcher.


  Later a Garden Warbler was ringed, it was our first sighting this year.

 Three Willow Warblers and a Chiffchaff were also in the paddocks and passers by included a Yellow Wagtail, a White Wagtail, about 10 Swallows, 6 House Martins and a Swift. Single Goldfinch and Lesser Redpoll represented the migrant finches. A male Greenland Wheatear on the island was also the only one of it's species. Ten Shelduck, a Common Scoter and 13 Eiders were logged,

 ..... while out on the sea were a Red-throated Diver, 14 Sandwich Terns and 24 Gannets. The pick of the waders was again the Whimbrel with 11 birds. A Peregrine paid the island a visit.


Butterflies were out and about again, 3 Red Admirals, 12 Green-veined Whites, a large White and a Small White.

 Ringed: 3 Willow Warblers, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Spotted Flycatcher, 1 Garden Warbler.

Photos SRW


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