Tuesday 14 May 2024

14th May 2024

 Weather: ESE force 4  rain,  SE 5 by late afternoon.

A late start following the overnight rain which continued into the morning but then brightened up in the early afternoon.

It seemed quiet at first as was expected with the overnight rain but a search of the island revealed the presence of a Whinchat.


It was not alone as a Sedge Warbler had clearly arrived in the upper paddock and in addition a Grasshopper Warbler's song was heard near to the canoe club. This was very encouraging as no Willow Warblers nor Chiffchaffs were present. Three Greenland Wheatears were here again, while 2 White Wagtails and about 30 Swallows passed through, also 6 House Martins, but no finches (apart from Linnets). A band of rain which  came across Wirral but missed Hilbre itself brought an impressive 31 Swifts across the island


Just a single male Eider this morning, but 19 Shelduck including a flock of 12 were more than expected.


 Only 7 Whimbrel were counted with no other exceptional numbers of waders noted today. The Kestrel sighting was the first for quite a while. Thirty two Gannets and 4 Sandwich Terns were on the list. At least one pair of Blackbirds are very close to fledging.

 Ringing: 1 Whinchat.

Photos SRW

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