Wednesday 16 October 2024

16th October 2024

 Weather: SE force 4/5,  ESE in the afternoon,  rain and mist all day

A deluge of persistant mostly heavy rain made everything difficult for observers, however 2 Redwings were down on the island and were relatively easy to find. A couple of Starling landed briefly followed by another 4, and 4 Goldfinch also arrived. A Wigeon and a pair of Common Scoter were off the whaleback, while only 51 Brent showed (including a dark-bellied) to the island observers, 450 Shelduck were counted. The most surprising item on the sea was a Pink-footed Goose swimming off the north end. In the afternoon after the tide a trip out to Middle Eye from the mainland produced records of 4 late Common Terns on the beach, while wader counts of 12,000 Oystercatchers, 280 Curlew, 650 Knot, 400 Dunlin, 110 Turnstone and 272 Redshank were made mostly on the beach between the marine lake and Little Eye. Nine Little Egret and 4 Grey Heron were on the shore. A Chiffchaff was caught and ringed in the afternoon. Out of interest on the West Kirby marine lake were an amazing 26 Goosander, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, and a Great Crested Grebe. The Weasel seen of late was in the obs garden today, also on the balcony. 

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