Friday 18 October 2024

18th October 2024

 Weather: SE force 3   rain later in the afternoon

Yet another owl to delight Hilbre observers, this time a Short-eared owl flew east to west across the island towards the Great Orme pursued by irate Oystercatchers which had spent some time looking for places to roost at the very high tide.

They had also been disturbed by the rescue of people stranded on Middle and the ridge to the south during the big high tide. There were more migrants again today, perhaps fewer than yesterday. Meadow Pipits numbered 90, Skylarks 8 and finches featured again with 63 Linnets, 10 Goldfinches, 3 Chaffinches, 3 Siskin and 10 Goldfinches. 

 There were a few alba Wagtails and a casual visitor in the form of a Magpie.  

Taken for granted now are the records of Pink-footed Geese, there were 1,550 today. Just 3 Eiders this morning, over 300 Brent and 50 Common Scoter. Best of the wader species was a Common Snipe flying east to west over the island.

A few other waders made the reecording sheet, 1,035 Knot, 120 Turnstone, 65 Curlew, 37 Redshank, 6 Ringed Plover and 3 Bar-tailed Godwit, and others were 3 Little Egret, 1 Grey Heron and the Kestrel.

Ringed; 1 Blackbird, 1 Wren.

 Photos: AS, SRW

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