Monday 21 October 2024

21st October 2024

 Weather: WSW force 5/6    SW 5 in afternoon

 A passage of 68 or Meadow Pipits were evident with some landing on the island,

while some finches were also recorded in transit including 11 Goldfinches and 4 Siskins flying over, as were 2 Skylarks. A pair of Wigeon landed in the gutter on the incoming tide. Resident Wildfowl today were 273 Brent and 3 female Eider. A Raven was later seen over Middle and earlier a flock of 16 Carrion Crows were logged as they flew over the main island.  

Good numbers of waders roosted the tide including 8,000 Oystercatchers, 


 also 350 Knot, 200 Dunlin, 86 Curlew, 61 Sanderling, 15 Grey Plover, 6 Ringed Plover. In Niffy bay were 120 Turnstone and 42 Redshank.

 Just 1 Grey Heron today and 5 Little Egret.

 Sightings out at sea were 300 Scoter, 3 Guillemot and 3 Great Crested Grebes.

Photos: AS

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