Sunday 10 September 2023

10th September 2023

Weather: SSE  force 1, still very warm, but more cloudy with the threat of rain later.

 Significant influxes of certain species occurred since yesterday. Shelduck flew in towards the islands in several groups, 86 in total, 

....while Common Terns were here numbering 120 comparing with the single figures seen recently. The terns also seem to have brought in some skuas as 6 Arctics were noted harassing them offshore to the north west, whereas few have shown up in the last week or so. Even the Sandwich Terns increased to an estimated 300 today.

Three Common Snipe flew east over the island chain early on, and first look at the gardens showed that both Chiffchaffs and Goldcrests were here in small numbers (4 and 5 respectively). The finest looking visitors could be said to be the 6 Grey Wagtails, some of which came down on the island.

Five Pied Wagtails called while passing, 26 Linnets are still here despite the breeding season being over, also 6 Blackbirds, 4 Robins, 6 Meadow Pipits and 8 Rock Pipits. In addition to the Arctic Skuas chasing the terns other sightings from the sea were a single Gannet, a male Scoter and 4 Guillemots. Dunlin gathered into a flock of about 1,200 at high tide and flew around the north end without settling, it was no surprise then when a Peregrine appeared and took off with one, scattering the rest.

As well as the Peregrine the regular Kestrel hovered for voles and a Raven was heard in the distance. Other than the Dunlin, waders logged today included 2 Whimbrel, 15 Bar-tailed Godwit, 120 Sanderling and 8 Grey Plover. A Greenshank was heard calling but not located. There were 12 Little Egrets today and a few sat on the north end rocks which is unusual.

The regular 3 Eider were also at the north end, while a Cormorant and Shag sat together on the whaleback which showed the considerable difference in size.

Ringed: 3 Chiffchaffs, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Robin

Photos SRW

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