News so far today - another impressive Pale-bellied Brent Goose count with 183 counted around the islands this morning.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Saturday, 26 February 2011
26th February 2011

quiet bird day but with some more signs of
spring. Frogs were very active in the old obs pond (left & below) and daffodills were out by the

rememberance plaque to founder member John Gittins in the 'heli' trap garden (bottom).
A young female Grey Seal was hauled out at the north end for a time while few visitors were on
the island.

Bird of the day was a male Goosander seen flying low over the sea, slightly less of a surpirse was an adult Kittiwake on the edge of the tide. A Peregrine harassed the waders on the east hoyle which again today included a good number of Knot.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
24th February 2011

About 8,000 Knot flew north east out of the estuary past Hilbre first thing this morning and many others fed around the north end of the island and occassionally flew around in flocks when disturbed (right).
The trapping areas were not troubled by migrants as was expected in the south westerly breeze which later veered to the west and strenghtened. Fly-overs were not that exciting either with only 2 Skylarks and 5 Goldfinches of any note.

The Brent were scattered all around the island and were not able to be counted before the tide (left).

A new Robin which seemed to have joined the 2 residents was ringed today, and at least 4 Dunnocks were getting very agitated as though the milder weather made them think of spring.
Another sign of spring was the flowering Lesser Celandine that was first noticed yesterday (right).
(DB,CJ) [12] photos CJ
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
23rd February 2011
Three excellent records occurred in the second half of the day starting with a Short-eared Owl which flew down the east side around noon and landed on Middle Eye. In the afternoon a Jackdaw (a scarce Hilbre bird especially down on the island) was calling from the buildings and was quite distinctive showing white primaries patches. Rarest of all in the late afternoon a Tawny Owl was seen to fly from Red Rocks across the east hoyle bank and continue towards the south end of the main island.
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
22nd February 2011

The Brents are steady at 180, while waders seen included 12 Sanderling and 50 Ringed Plovers.
(DB,CJW,PSW) photo CJW
Monday, 21 February 2011
21st February 2011
A sea watch today on a very high tide produced 3 Red-throated Divers, 20 Great Crested Grebes, 35 Common Scoter, 15 Red-breasted mergansers and 8 Guillemots. Ten thousand Dunlin and 4 thousand Knot were seen around the east hoyle bank.
The Purple Sandpipier roost on the high tide was the highest count of the winter at 24 birds, with bar-tailed Godwits numbering 40 and Redshanks 50 .
Six Canada Geese were less expected visitors.
The Purple Sandpipier roost on the high tide was the highest count of the winter at 24 birds, with bar-tailed Godwits numbering 40 and Redshanks 50 .
Six Canada Geese were less expected visitors.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
20th February 2011

A Fieldfare was in the paddocks first thing, also several Song Thrushes brought in by the light south easterly breeze and mist. The Fieldfare unfortunately was not trapped but 5 of the Song Thrushes were, 4 were newly ringed today (left) the other was a bird previously ringed in November 2008, once again proving the repeated return of some Song Thrushes to Hilbre in winter.
A Wren was singing on Middle and another was retrapped from last year, so maybe Wrens have survived the bitter December weather better than had been feared.

The very high tide should have been the roost for up to 10,000 waders on Middle, but a individual left it too late and got stranded on the island and his presence ensured the island was
deserted (above). At least the Purple Sandpipers (18) stayed on the main island (above).

A Seal (right) was hauled out on the rocks at the north end as it has several times recently.
(JE) photos JE
Saturday, 19 February 2011
19th February 2011

A strong and cold south easterly today but at least it was marginally brighter to enable some photographs to be obtained. A Peregrine was on the beach on the way over to the island (above).
One of the highest tides of the year gave an opportunity to see some waders roosting the tide -
see Grey Plover (above), Dunlin and Ringed Plover (left), and Purple Sandpipers.

A male Blackbird was on the island early in the day but later left before it could be trapped for ringing, although a Rock Pipit was retrapped that was ringed in October 2009 (above), and becomes the first Rock Pipit to be re-caught at Hilbre in a subsequent year.
(PSW) photos PSW
Friday, 18 February 2011
18th February 2011
A cold south easterly with low misty cloud made photographs impossible, nevertheless 155 Brent and 21 Purple Sandpipers were counted on the high tide visit, also records of 2 male and 2 female Pintail and 3 Lapwings on the whaleback.
Just 1 Red-throated Diver and 12 Common Scoters were on the sea, while 60 Grey Plover were noted and 7,000 Oystercatchers were in the high tide roost. A single Rock Pipit and a Blackbird were the only significant land birds.
Just 1 Red-throated Diver and 12 Common Scoters were on the sea, while 60 Grey Plover were noted and 7,000 Oystercatchers were in the high tide roost. A single Rock Pipit and a Blackbird were the only significant land birds.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
17th February 2011
Very poor visibility made observation difficult today, despite this counts of sea-birds numbered 12 Red-throated Divers, 65 Common Scoters, 4 Great Crested Grebes, and 6 Red-breasted Mergansers. On the island was a Song Thrush, a Blackbird, 3 Meadow Pipits, a Rock Pipit and a good flock of 60 Linnets. A male and female Pintail were seen and 2 Lapwings flew east.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
16th February 2011
Twenty one Red-throated Divers was the excellent total on the sea watch today. Shelduck numbered 450 and good counts of waders included 450 Curlew, 230 Turnstone and 120 Redshank. Less regular visitors during the day were a Skylark and a drake Teal.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
15th February 2011
It was a squally morning with a force 5 easterly. The leucistic Oystercatcher was found on Middle Eye and 2 Lapwings were logged. The Linnet flock now numbering 65 were visiting Little Eye when observed today and a single Skylark was logged. Good counts today included 550 Shelduck and 350 Bar-tailed Godwits.
Sunday, 13 February 2011
Last Sunday's 'monster' Glaucous Gull (right) are now also on the blog - see 6th February 2011 for more photos of this now very scarce big 'white-winger' at Hilbre.
Updates for the last week also appear below...apologies to all for late postings.
13th February 2011
A single Grey Heron took the opportunity of a quiet day to try and feed in the New Pond, but was soon flushed by the arrival of the odd visitor.
The regular waders and Brents were present in good numbers and the inshore lifeboat was carrying out its Sunday exercises (see left).
Saturday, 12 February 2011
12th February 2011

The Long-tailed Tit was ringed at Meols in June 2010 (by the Merseyside Ringing Group), was retrapped at the same site a couple of times until late October 2010 and then was not seen again until caught on Hilbre today.
Other birds seen today included single Red-throated Diver and Great Crested Grebe on the sea as well as a single Peregrine harassing the waders (see left) that included 24 Ringed Plovers,
an excellent count of 616 Bar-tailed Godwits on the East Hoyle and 100 Redshank in the gutter.

It is an unusual record for Hilbre in February; this species is more associated with late autumn or spring. Therefore, bearing another ringer's ring makes it even more exceptional.
(DB, PSW) (Photos by PSW)
Friday, 11 February 2011
11th February 2011
The highlight today was an amazing 1200 Bar-tailed Godwits counted, but other waders included 8000 Knot and 20 Purps. The godwits came in over Hilbre from the south west (from up the estuary) alighting on the North shore then continuing off to the north east. A single Skylark, 2 Rock Pipits, single Pied Wagtail, a Stock Dove and 45 Linnets were noted along with two each of Teal and Goldeneye.
A single Common Seal was hauled out at the North End where work commenced on the sea-watching hide roof.
A single Common Seal was hauled out at the North End where work commenced on the sea-watching hide roof.
Thursday, 10 February 2011
10th February 2011
Wafer counts were the main focus today with an impressive 858 Bar-tailed Godwits, 530 Curlew, 130 Turnstone, 120 Redshank and 20 Purple Sandpipers recorded. Other noteworthy records today included 167 Brent, 107 Shelduck, 2 drake Scaup, 2 Peregrines, single Rock Pipit and 51 Linnets.
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
9th February 2011
A brief visit today still produced some good counts that included 50 Ringed Plover, 464 Bar-tailed Godwit and 40 Linnets.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
8th February 2011
The first snowdrops of the year were flowering today and there was a slight early spring-like feel to some of the species seen today with 2 Mute Swan, Stock Dove and 4 Golden Plover recorded.
Other birds included 180 Pale-bellied Brent Geese (including all the colour-ringed birds), 16 Purple Sandpipers, single Peregrine and 44 Linnets.
Other birds included 180 Pale-bellied Brent Geese (including all the colour-ringed birds), 16 Purple Sandpipers, single Peregrine and 44 Linnets.
Monday, 7 February 2011
7th February 2011
Seawatching in gale force winds produced just 2 Red-throated Diver, 28 Great Crested Grebes, 35 Common Scoter, 21 Guillemot, single Razorbill, 8 Kittiwake as well as 5 Scaup and a single Wigeon. The only laddering of note was a Skylark.
Sunday, 6 February 2011
6th February 2011 - evening update

However, wader species were much in evidence with Curlew (below left), Turnstone (below centre a colour-ringed bird from Hilbre) and Ringed Plovers (below right) all using the main island for roosting along with 11 Purple Sandpipers which sheltered on the East Side steps.

The undoubted highlight of the day was a fine first winter Glaucous Gull (a rare sight on the islands these days) that flew between Middle and Hilbre being chased by Oystercatchers (see below) and other gulls; fortunately it was superbly 'caught on camera' in flight.

Another pale first winter Glaucous Gull was seen at Seaforth NR later in the week - perhaps the same individual?
Another pale first winter Glaucous Gull was seen at Seaforth NR later in the week - perhaps the same individual?
(PSW) Photos PSW
6th February 2011
Breaking news from the island where a first winter Glaucous Gull has been seen between the islands and heading up the West Side...more news and photos to follow.
Friday, 4 February 2011
4th February 2011
The highlight of a very quiet but windy day was a Red-necked Grebe seen briefly off the North End in wave troughs. Other birds seen included 8 Common Scoter, 12 Great Crested Grebes and 13 Red-breasted Mergansers.
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