The fog was quite persistent today with the mainland not visible for long periods. The first Wheatear of the year (left) was found early apparently arriving at the north end of the island but soon relocating to the favoured area for Wheatears on the west side where it was trapped and colour ringed (please check Wheatears for colour rings!). Another early visitor was a House Sparrow which like the Wheatear did not stay long enough for photographs in the field.
The main feature of the today was a significant passage of Meadow Pipits totalling 250 which flitted about the grassy areas all day long, other migrants were few; 2 Pied Wagtails, 3 Starlings, 1 Skylark. Finches were again hard to come by although 4 Siskins passed over the island and the Chaffinch ringed on 13th was still present.

A Rook which flew north overhead was a scarce record for any time of year on Hilbre.

llowing yesterdays bird another Chiffchaff was on the ground (right) and was ringed, but most pleasing of all were the 2 Goldcrests (left) that were also ringed following the very poor passage of these birds last year at most observatories.
Ten Wigeon spent most of the day off the east side of the island chain and kept appearing out of the mist. Only 10 Purple Sandpipers could be found although there may well be more counted on another day with a higher tide.
Later around midday 2 Sand Martins, the second record of the year, were seen from the obs flying over the south end.
Ringed:- 1 Wheatear, 2 Goldcrests, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Wren.
(DB,CJ,CJW) [39] photos CJ