Weather: SE force 1/2 misty around the coast
A Great Spotted Woodpecker flew into Middle Eye early morning and as there are no trees on Middle it had to make do with the small wooden posts that mark the path. Unsurprisingly it did not stay long and seemed to head off to the south. Great Spotted Woodpeckers occur on Hilbre on average once a year, but this is the second for 2015.
Meanwhile on the main island a Golden Plover flew south passing the island on the east side whilst calling and a Reed Bunting was seen in the old obs garden (below) and then found itself in the mist net and when extracted all were surprised that it already bore a ring from elsewhere (a 'control'), especially as we catch very few Reed Buntings in an average year. Later another unringed Reed Bunting was also seen in the same garden.

Before the very high tide flooded 30 Wigeon flew north off the west side, and after the tide 63 Shelduck were off the north shore but only a single Brent could be found today. Ringed Plover (56) were prominent among the small number of waders roosting on the main island (below), while 5,000 Oystercatchers were mostly undisturbed today in the roost on the north end of Middle Eye.

Sixteen Sandwich Terns still on the sea with 1 Common Tern, also 12 Common Scoter, 6 Guillemots and 2 Great Crested Grebes.A Shag was off the east side. (below)
The passerine migrants grounded were few, with possibly only one new Goldcrest, 6 Chiffchaffs coming in during the morning and quite a few Wrens continuing their movement through Hilbre during the last few days. The first 3 Starlings of the autumn arrived in for a short stay and a few Meadow Pipits passed going south, also a White and Pied Wagtail and a calling Siskin. Two Ravens were seen from the shiore to pass over Little Eye
(MGT). A few butterflies flew including a Comma which is very scarce at Hilbre.
Meanwhile a Lesser Spotted Dogfish was found on the shore this morning.
Ringed: 5 Wrens, 2 Chiffchaffs [ 462-35 ]
(DB, CJ, SRW) photos CJ and SRW