Weather: SE 1, 2/8 cloud, 3 miles vis, mist
The weather seemed perfect for a good spring day on the island and we weren't disappointed.
Early morning produced some "vis mig" with 5 flava wagtails (at least one being a definite Yellow) and 4 Tree Pipits passed over only one landing briefly.
The first round of the trapping area produced a Blackcap and a few phylloscs, but warblers were arriving for the first few hours of daylight with 2 more Blackcaps, 3 Whitethroats, at least 50 Willow Warblers and a few Chiffchaffs. Two more Redstarts were caught and ringed (male & female). Late morning a Garden Warbler was found in the SK mist net and is the first for the year of a species which does not always occur in spring at Hilbre.
Three Common Sandpipers were at the South End as some observers arrived and at least 13 Whimbrel were counted. Meanwhile a Fulmar was again prospecting the island and a Kittiwake was sat at the North End.
At least 25 Wheatears passed through again the majority of which were Greenland as was evident from the five of the six Wheatears caught being of that race.
The first Whinchat of the year appeared opposite the Obs mid morning and a second and third birds arrived and later one of these or another was present on Middle. During the afternoon one of the Whinchats found its way into the Heli trap.
The rain arrived and that really put a dampner on proceedings but it was another excellent day on the island.
The bird information services reported a Whinchat and a Lesser Whitethroat on Middle during the afternoon; the latter would be another first for the year.
Ringing: Willow Warbler (24), Blackcap (2), Whitethroat (2), Garden Warbler, Whinchat, Redstart (2), Linnet, L Redpoll (3), Chaffinch, Wheatear (1), G Wheatear (5)
(CJW(f), CLW, FPW, GIW, SRW & TGW (from over), DB, SD, CJ & KMc [422-27]