Saturday, 15 March 2025

15th March 2025

 Weather: NE force 2  NNW 2 by noon

Work on the trapping area was the order of the day. A few migrants were recorded during the morning included finches: 2 each of Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Lesser Redpoll and a single Siskin. Two Pied and a White Wagtail were noted, also 6 Robins and 6 Blackbirds, some of which may ahve been passing through. At least 4 Rock Pipits were on both main islands so a good breeding season is expected. On the sea were a massive 12,000 Scoter tracking to the west, 6 Great Crested Grebes and a single Red-throated Diver. Sanderling numbered 260 and total Purple Sandpipers seen were 16.

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