Weather: SE force 1/2 increasing 3/5 with haze before the tide
A trickle of migrants came in on the south easterly this morning, 3 Chiffchaffs arrived early, the first was found in the 'heli' garden. Two Stonechats were also present including this immature female which was caught for ringing.
A scarce bird at Hilbre; a House Sparrow was singing in the obs garden first thing. It was a good day for finches; apart from the 22 Linnets present, 3 Goldfinches and 2 Siskin came through and a Greenfinch was singing as it flew over the island. Other small migrants were 2 Pied and a Grey Wagtail. Three Woddpigeons flew through. The Brent Geese were counted at 274 and 120 Common Scoter seen on the sea, 2 Mallard around the pond and 3 female Goosanders also made the list. Just 4 Purple Sandpipers were seen, also 12 Grey Plover, 14 Ringed Plover, 800 Knot, 26 Dunlin, 40 Turnstone and 28 Redshank. Another day without Little Egret records but there was one Grey Heron. The Fox is still present at least some of the time.
Photo BT
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